Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

6:28 AM

Leslie's Fine


The medication did their job and Leslie is almost fully recovered. She still has a slight bit of difficulty stretching out completely in certain directions, but it's not near as bad as it was. She thanks everyone for their kind wishes - your thoughts/prayers/wishes were greatly appreciated. If you have any left over, my front lawn is still a little brown. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Whew. I just saw the tweet from a20 wishing Leslie well, so I checked in with your blog. I am so glad she's feeling better.

Back troubles are bad news. When my second was little, and I was spending a lot of time sleeping in rocking chairs while nursing her, my back would kill!

Suldog said...

Well, I tend to save my prayers for more sentient beings than blades of grass, but for you...
