Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

10:45 AM

Email and Twitter


First, my verizon email is still wacky - if you want to send me email, please send it to - I've got FIOS at home, so I don't want to give up my verizon account just because of the email snafu.

Second, if you visit my site (rather than read it through email or whatever), you'll see my Twitter updates on the right hand side. If you are a Twitterer, please leave me a comment with your Twitter feed. My Twitter feed is

Third, anything you'd like to hear about?

Fourth, I hope you're having a great day - you deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Stu, you can follow me here:

The nickname is my online gaming name of choice. :)

I am actually already following you on twitter since I saw you were following Magazine Man! :) I have to approve my followers, but I think you can automatically do so if I already follow you. :)

Stu said...

Fir Tree Goddess!!! Awesome! What are your favorite games? I'm a dedicated World of Warcraft player, but I've played Ultima Online and even Bolo (during the early 90s, Bolo was one of the only online games available)

Anonymous said...

right now I am playing a game that's not graphic intensive (at all) called travian. It has become a horrible addiction for me, and I am looking forward to the end of game this summer so I can just walk away.

Unfortunatley, I might fill that hole with a twitter/facebook addiction. :)

Yes, Druantia is a name for me from way back in D&D days. I've always fancied myself a druid at heart. :) Or ay least a druidic priestess :)

I have not, yet, succommed to WoW, but my brother plays all the time (Well, when the kids are asleep).

Stu said...

I was in jr. high/high school for my major D&D years - late 70s & early 80s - great times - I used to love creating dungeon levels on graph paper. Wonderful moments.

Anonymous said...

ya, I was usually one of the players, and my brother (he of WoW addiction) was the DM, and we had grand adventures. :) Those were the days.
