Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

4:00 PM



I am tired. Being a stay-at-home parent is energy-sapping, at least part of the time. For me, today was non-stop, concluding with a marathon grocery run, as the kids will be with us for 5 days in a row. Oh, and the cat pooped on Noelle's bed, so a blanket and sheets had to get washed. There was other stuff, but that was regular housewife stuff (bills, phone calls, cleaning, fixing, organizing, etc.).

Now, whether the house catches on fire or the dog steals the car, I am taking a break.


Suldog said...

You deserve a break, I'm sure. Take a nap, have a cookie. Think cool thoughts, as Satchel Paige might have said.

Stu said...

Ah, the great Satchel Paige - Tough call on whether he should have been first or not.

And I appreciate the suggestion of a break - I will indeed stay frosty, and I won't take any guff from those swine.

Stu said...

Also, I am brewing a post inspired by you, Sully. I just need to offload it from my brain into my computer.

Anonymous said...

Of course, I could just write the darned thing, but I'm stuck on how to phrase it. The creative process is not especially easy sometimes. I marvel at how you write so well, so creatively, so often - you're a spectacular writer.

