Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

8:13 PM

I'm Sad


Leslie just got into a cab, which is taking her to the airport. She'll be in Hong Kong for a week (on business where she will be problem solving for Mattel). Good for her, bad for me. I'm really missing her already. I'm trying to be cool about it, thinking that it's just a week, but I'm not buyin' it. A week without Leslie is like a thousand years on the Moon.


Sharfa said...

awwwwwww, that's so sweet. way to score oodles of brownie points for sure. On the other hand, just think of all the great welcome home, I missed you, monkey sex you'll be having! 7,6,5,4,3,2,;)

Stu said...

Thanks, although I won't get brownie points for this post, as Leslie doesn't read my blog. Not that she doesn't care, she's just not an Internet person. She doesn't use the 'net except at work, and only for email and the occasional bit of work-related research. If I cared enough, I could always print out the entries and she's probably read them that way, but I'd ask her first. Never give your spouse a fire truck (a gift that she doesn't want).

As for the great "welcome home", yeah, that'll absolutely happen, but it also happens every evening, when she comes home from work. My bet is that when she comes home (this Friday), there will be a bit of crying (on my part) and a bit of jumping up and down (on her part). Damn, now I really miss her!

Anonymous said...

Nice shirt, Stu.

Stu said...

Dude, I love these shirts. They are easily the coolest ones in my collection. What's the url for the store where you picked them up?

Cissa Fireheart said...

AWWW Poor Stu! At least you have my blog to keep you busy while your lovely wife is away!

Stu said...

Hey, thanks for the thought.

Yeah, it's going alright, but only because this week is registration week for middle school for both of my kids. Thank G-d, it is keeping me busy.

Anonymous said...

I, too, am a nutcase about MY WIFE not being around. Heck, I miss her terribly during normal days while we're just working in different places. She is my soulmate. You obviously know the feeling.

Stu said...

Dude, I totally get it. Yeah, when she's at work, I keep myself busy, just so I don't miss her too much. I'm glad to have the feeling, because the opposite would just suck. You're a lucky man to have The Wife as a soulmate. I can relate.
