Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

11:18 AM

It Takes Discipline


OMG! I have to have this!! It's 96 inches of inflatable televisible goodness. That's right, an 8-foot inflatable home theater. I really need this in the front yard, to weird out the neighbors. And as Leslie is on another continent, I would just order it, except I have discipline. Yes indeed, I am a man who has the discipline to resist such buttery temptation. MMMM... commercial-grade PVC, 100-watt speakers, I can't stand it! Oh, but for the discipline, this sweet baby, the only tv on the market that actually comes with a repair kit, would be all mine. Sweet!!


Sharfa said...

Why oh why would you settle for the 8 ft. when you can have 12 feet of projection goodness?!?!?!

What red blooded American male could resist? "But honey, I have to have this. What if the sprinklers went on while I had our regular TV in the back yard? It would be ruined! This is WATERPROOF!"

Stu said...

First, I settled (in my imagination) for the 8-footer because it was an easy negotiating tack. If I would have pushed for the 12 foot, who knows. But if I come bearing a concession, I stand a better chance.

Second, "WATERPROOF!" Genius!

Anonymous said...

I received an old LCD projector from work which has some issues with startup delay and spots of light but otherwise produces a 1024x768 hi-def picture across my bedroom wall and performs very well. I've set it up as a sort of home theater system and have enjoyed many a movie with it.

I figure sooner or later though that the light bulb will burn out or the projector will completely die. The question at that point would be whether it'd be worth it to replace the thing, since they do tend to be rather pricy...

Stu said...

I would think that it becomes a question of the fun factor. If the LCD projector is fun enough to spend a little money maintaining it, why not. To replace it, it better be supermegaultrahellafun!
