Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

As many of you know, my brother, Dave Mark, is a leading author of Macintosh programming books - he wrote some very influential books, books that today's top programmers were weaned on.

Today I am proud to announce that the first of many technical articles that he and a partner authored is now public on the Apple website. Here's the link. This article is for developers that focus on Xcode and Objective-C.

Now, I'm not a programmer, but I am technical enough to know good writing when I see it, and my brother is a brilliant author, where he makes the most complex concepts easy to understand. And that's not all. More than making tech knowledge easy to digest, he writes in a way that inspires programmers to trust themselves. My brother provides the platform with which the great coders make the great leaps.


Dave Mark said...

Very kind of you to share this with your readers, Stu! In reality, my partner Jeff did the heavy lifting of understanding and capturing all the difficult technical material. That said, I think the article turned out well and Apple has been a real joy to work with. Great experience for me and looking forward to the appearance of our second article real soon! :)

-- Dave

Anonymous said...

I echo Stu's comments .... Dave is an EXCELLENT writer!!!


Anonymous said...

woo hoo! Inside Apple tech article stuff. There's so many wonderful reasons to read your Blog, Stu. :)

Love it. Can't wait to check out Dave's article. I will make sure to check it at work tomorrow.
