Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

2:40 PM

Fruit From My Land


On our postage stamp of a yard sits a surprising variety of green things. Alongside the hydrangea, wisteria, roses, birds of paradise, star jasmine, and other plants, there sit four fruit trees - plums, pears, apples, and oranges. While I'm looking forward to moving to cabin in the woods, I will miss the enormous variety of plant life here in Southern California.

Here are two pics - first up, today's bounty:

And here is one of each, a Bartlett pear and a Fuji apple, if our assumptions are founded. Please, if we've got 'em wrong, let us know - we dig knowledge and stuff.


Anonymous said...

I feel like Alice, just after she fell down the rabbit hole...

...You are moving to a cabin the woods? For real? Which woods, where? Did I miss something? (searching furiously around)

Thim, the confused one...

Stu said...


In about 5 years, our youngest will be in college. At that point, there's a good chance that we'll sell our house in Los Angeles and move to Wyoming for a while, to get away from suburban sprawl. A lot can happen in 5 years, but that's the current plan.
