Again with the email issues - yes, you're tired of these posts - I hear ya. Still, be a pall and comment on this post - Try it logged in, if you have some sort of account, as well as logged out, as an anonymous comment. Say what you will, be creative, make suggestions, confront me with criticism.
Oh, and have a great day.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
Here you go, Stu! If this is all it takes to make you happy, you're a cheap date :-)
hello? Anyone here? Stu? Hey, Stu?
Comic-con. I am soooooo jealous.
Oh, and Jay and Jack of the Lost Podcast with the same name will be there too. I want to meet them soooo badly. :)
so far tough time posting comment. i did email you this morning.
testing again.
Oh, and I Have something to send you to print out for Wheaton's autograph, if you are still up for doing so. I can email it, but if email ain't so much working, that might be hard.
Melissa - wasn't planning on doing the autograph thing, as I only have a short time at the con and those lines (especially wheaton) will be long - I'm not even going to the Family Guy symposium - I'm just going to hit the floor and look at (and buy) as many comics and toys/paraphernalia as possible. Is that ok, or do you really need his autograph, 'cause I'll do it if it'll avoid a John Hinckley / Jodie Foster thing.
If a hen-and-a-half, laid an egg-and-a-half every day-and-a-half ..... then how many years will it take for .... ooops out of time.
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