Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

11:18 AM

Obama '08


Picked up this shirt at ComicCon - Pretty psyched about it.

*pic taken by Nich, using my iPhone


Dangermouse0 said...
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Dangermouse0 said...

Traitor! Long live Hillary!!!!!!!!! It is a cool design...

Stu said...

As I've stated here a few times, I believe Senator Clinton would have made the better president. However, I've also said that, on a base level, my allegiance is to the Democrats and to getting a Democrat into the Oval Office, to break up the stranglehold the Republican Party has on our lives. So no traitor here, just a Democratic loyalist with long term dreams.

Dangermouse0 said...

I know, I couldn't help myself. A wise man once said, "Always...", no "Never...", umm "Always go for the funny."

Dave Mark said...

Love the shirt. Amazing quality pic. Taken by a phone? Simply amazing!!!
