Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

What do you do after an earthquake? You listen to the theme from Fish.


*if you don't see the player, go to my actual blog and click on the play button


Suldog said...

Hadn't heard that in years. It's so obviously an extension (or rip-off) of the theme from "Barney Miller". Slightly more up-tempo, and a higher register sax, of course, but definitely at least "kissin' cousins". Same composer?

Stu said...

As "Fish" was a spin-off from "Barney Miller," the producers used the same composers for the original music - those folks were Jack Elliott and Allyn Ferguson. (note - this is not direct from my brain, but from investigation using the IMDB tool)

Suldog said...

One of the first bass lines I ever taught myself was that wonderful opening riff from "Barney".
