Thimbelle mentioned something about me being a correspondent, and while I don't exactly know what she means by that, it gave me the idea that I should write more about the things that interest me.
Today I am interested in writing about my iPhone, which is the tool that is enabling me to compose this blog entry.
The iPhone is a tiny computer, a mini-Macintosh. It has a CPU, a monitor, a keyboard, and most of the essential software that I use throughout the day. It has a fully functioning web browser (Safari), although it doesn't run Flash - I can forgive that on a phone. It syncs with my calendar and my address book and my bookmarks. It plays music and movies (it's an iPod). It's an ebook reader, it reports the weather and the status of my portfolio. Oh yeah, and it's also a phone, with fabulous clarity.
For the total cost, it's about the same as a bunch of other phones on the market, except it stands head and shoulders above any of the competition. I highly recommend getting one.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
See? *Excellent* corresponding, right there in that post!
If you aren't careful, you might also become A Man About Town, as well as an Excellent Correspondent. You are already A Good Egg in my books, (which might also make you an Eggsellent Correspondent, but I digress) *and* you are A True Friend.
And now, after writing all that, I Am Tired!
Thim :)
I LOVE MY iPHone! :) And now that i have installed iPHone 2.0 (sure, it is an older iPhone next to yours, but it is still soooo wonderful), I have installed twitteriffic, so I can follow you there. :)
man about town.
Melissa - install Twittelator - much better product and it's free.
will check it out. Thanks for the tip!
downloaded Twitterlator last night but haven't yet synched it with the iPhone. But just to let you know, I didn't pay for Twitteriffic. I am using the ad version, which is free.
So, new post idea, list of your favorite iPhone 2.0 apps. :)
oh, sorry to post more stuff. Here's what gizmodo recommended as the better twitter app.
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