Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

Recently I noticed a steep drop-off in the amount of email I am getting. Some folks get through, but where I used to get 50 a day, I am now getting 10. Also, commentors on this blog are not getting their comments sent to me - I see them if I look at my site, but the comment doesn't reach my inbox, at least not all of them. So, first, if you have sent me mail and have not heard back, please send it again. Second, would you be so kind as to comment here - just say any old thing.



Meg said...

So this rope walks into a bar...

Suldog said...

Here I am, Stu!

Anonymous said...

I'm here too! And FWIW, my email has been flagging all of my Blogger email as S*P*A*M lately, so maybe your ISP screwed up the filters like mine did... LOL!
