Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

4:08 PM

How's By You?


Things are good with me, how's by you?

Summer has started, the relaxing has commenced, the driving the kids to a variety of activities has begun.

Speaking of the kids, both their report cards were awesome - Noelle got straight As (even an A in Algebra, which was and always will be an impossibility for me) and Nich's cumulative GPA is 4.167, so I'm pretty happy.

Leslie is super-busy at work (nothing new) and now has to cover the Hong Kong phone conferences, which means that she'll be home extra late every Monday and Wednesday for a while. I keep hoping I can do my best to provide her with whatever she needs/wants.

As for me, my email is now functional, so if you sent me anything last week, feel free to re-send it.

Oh, and if you have any questions about life here in Southern California, feel free to ask - I'm happy to write about new topics.

