Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

Some folks who read this blog already understand the following, but for the folks who don't: Politicians, both Republican and Democrat (Libertarians don't do this, but Anarchists do) use your fear to get your vote. If you look at the current Presidential candidates and party leaders, you can see that, at times, their remarks are based on illustrating, and enhancing, your fear of something, following it with a potential solution with which your fear will be eased.

That don't seem right.

If you like, consider this perspective when reading the words of the candidates and their representatives. Actually, consider it anytime you read the words of a professional politician.


Suldog said...

Right on, Stu. I have to be honest and say that I think we (that is, me, not you) Libertarians do it, too, but nowhere near as often or virulently as the Ds and Rs.
