Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

9:39 PM

Ignore This


I use this blog as a personal diary. The fact that I place it in the eye of the public is part art and part "I live far from folks I love."

That said, feel free to stop reading.

I am really getting annoyed with our President. He is spending an inordinate amount of time trying to pull his legacy from the fire, instead of actually helping out the country. Look at what's happening - Rice is at $1000 a ton - a tripling of the price since January. - Japan has no butter - The US has more people in prison than any other nation, one out of every hundred - And President Bush is running around trying to get people to agree to a letter promising a Palestinian state. First off, Mr. Bush, don't we have more important things for you to do? Secondly, um, you may want to read a newspaper - Hamas *owns* Gaza. How can you think of supporting any of these people until they stop the abject and random violence? I mean, if Hamas handed the reins over to whomever was put into power via a fair and free election, well, I'm happy to consider what those folks have to say. Sincerely, I feel bad for the average Muslim in that area - they are powerless, in the hands of bullies who hide behind random interpretations of Sharia. I feel for those folks, I really do. But any government that is both oppressive and religious, let's be honest, they're not to be trusted. So it's time for the Muslim leaders to get their collective shit together. You want things to run a certain way, fine. But can't we all agree that people have an innailiable right to freedom - freedom to vote, freedom to express themselves, freedom to do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't cause a murder?

And, oh, by the way, here's another newspaper for you - this one explains how the Israeli air strike on Syria took out a nuclear reactor that was measurably close to completion, a reactor they designed with the help of North Korea. I know that the morning briefings can be boring but, hey, Mr. President, it's time to get on the stick. You can't strike a peace accord if one side is so clearly dedicated to the other side's destruction. It's, y'know, unAmerican.

Ok, wow, really, I feel better. I think it's time for pie.


Anonymous said...

hay but what about the important stuff he is doing like appearing on deal or no deal???? would love to know who his advisors are because cheney is off doing G-d knows what and rice is too busy working to be advising him. any info on that stu?
