I wrote another advice column, published over at GNMParents. I am not overly comfortable with giving advice, as I never graduated college, but they still ask for these types of essays from me, so I oblige. And the fan mail doesn't hurt either. In fact, it's the reason I still write these columns, because of the strangers who email me thank you letters. I dig that, I must admit, as I really am earnest.
Anyway, this week's column is about a certain type of respect owed children. Let me know if it's ok or if I should keep looking for that other day-job as a dishwasher. Thanks!
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
Personally, I LIKE the way you handled it. It's how I would do it too. My son, Derek, lost his BEST FRIEND, Scott, to cancer at the tender age of 13. From the minute Scott got sick we answered all of Derek's questions 100% honestly - as best we could! And when we just plain didn't KNOW, we said that too! And we prayed! You never know what life is going to throw at ya -- it's best to live it honestly!
First, thanks.
Second, yeah, prayer is a big part of my wife and I, how we handle the big stuff. We're both firm Monotheists (Jewish) and we lean on G-d in these kind of moments.
Third, the whole thing is pretty awful, no kidding.
Melli, thanks so much for your comment. It sincerely gave me a boost.
Wow. Nice job Stu.
I have always talked to my kids (or so I have been told from others who observe) as through they were my peers. Meaning, I give it to them straight, in big words, answering all questions.
Death was a tough one. We lost my wonderful 16 1/2 year old kitty last year, and my son knew her well. They'd gotten to be good friends. It was harder on him than I'd expected.
We still talk about her and how we miss her, and how she loved us.
I think knowing things is better than not. I am hoping that I am laying the groundwork for having open conversations with them (son and daughter) for their lives.
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