A bunch of the folks who read this blog are my family. As such, they may not fully understand the back and forth in the comments between Barbara and I.
Barbara is a reader of Sully's blog, which is a 5 star blog, no kidding. Take a cup a coffee and a cruller and read the archives - Sully has some serious writing chops and can tell a story far better than I.
Sully is a Red Sox fan, as is every intelligent, reasonable, soulful person.
Barbara, on the other hand, is a Yankees fan. Ugh, even typing that caused me to throw up in my mouth a little.
I was commenting on Suldog's blog about the Sox, along with a few of his other readers, talking about how the Sox would finish ahead of the Yankees. Barbara commented, delusionally, that the Yankees would finish ahead of the Sox. This led to a bet. The Bet: I say that the Sox will finish ahead of the Yankees. If that happens, Barbara puts up a GNMParents logo on her blog for one month. If the Yankees, through some odd happenstance involving an earthquake or a flood, manage to eake out a first place finish over the Sox, I have to place a New York Yankees logo on my blog for one month. To make it interesting, I threw in a four game lead - so if the Sox finish only three games over the Yankees, Barbara wins.
Now that you're caught up, let me say this to my family: Despite what Barbara may write about me, she's angelic and smart and pure of heart and is not causing me anything other than an occasional giggle, especially when she suggests that the Yankees are actually a decent baseball team.
To follow in the next week: The reason why I switched from The Yankees to The Mets.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
You already had one strike against you for being a Red Sox fan and now I have to read that you are also a Mets fan. Stu, Stu, Stu, I'm beginning to wonder if you have a stable personality. TRUE Yankee fans do not defect to the Mets under ANY circumstances, and that goes double for defecting to the Red Sox.
You know, when a Red Sox or Mets player gets traded to the Yankees I never can bring myself to the point of actually liking the player. The stain of Met-dom or Red Sox-dom is just too great, it can never be completely washed away.
After the bush-league antics of Wade Boggs when he and Mattingly were in the race for a batting title, I could never like Boggs. Did I want him to do well as a Yankee, of course, for the Yankees sake, but not for his sake. He will always be a Boston player to me.
I guess Mets/Red Sox fans (yuck, can I just use a euphimism when writing that) can be funny though. I laughed through most of your post. I hope your family sees the fun we are having with this bet.
Yankees Rule! (That goes for you too Sully)
As a family member I say please keep up the entertainment - If i was caught in a living nightmare and HAD to make a choice I would say Go Sox - but since I do not have to choose sides I say Go Mets - the reality being I do not like sports in general but LOVE good sarcasm - so bring it...
ps i just looked a sully's blog for the first time and say WOW!!! i learned to drive on that beast of a wagon! ask stu who was in the way back (before seatbelt laws) and had to withstand the learning curve of the power brakes.
Wait for the post, as I think I'll make a decent case for my defection.
As for Boggs, I agree, I never liked him, but I didn't like him because he was a philanderer and a blackmailer and a bit of a drug-head. He also, however, is one of the top 100 players to ever step on the field, and played in the longest game ever (batting .333 in that game, compared with Cal Ripken's .153 for the same game)... I remember that Mattingly/Boggs season well, and it was tough to watch Boggs, in the same way it's tough to hear about Strawberry's post-career nutbar behavior.
On the other hand, there are a few Yankees who will go nameless, even though their poor coughChuck Knoblauchcough performance coughRickCeronecough would make it coughKevinMaascough easy to laugh at.
You look good in a Yankees cap!
You better get something for that cough!
Oh, Stu... just another thing to love you for!!! I too am a Sox fan (through and through). But the 4 game cushion??? OY! That's too close for me.
Oh, and Barbara... I'm sure you didn't have any problem welcoming and loving that defector Roger "Rocket" (at least at one time) Clemens when he pitched all those World Series games for you guys. BLEH! What abour Babe Ruth? I'm sure you're a fan of his too.
Crazy thing... growing up in New England, half of my family was Yankee fans and half were Red Sox fans... we watch the games together and root for our teams... and when it's all over we say "Good Game".
I'm with you Stu and keeping my fingers crossed. (As we usually do this time of the year)
This bet is going to be entertaining. :-)
I pretty much feel the same way about the Rocket, although I have a teensy bit more good will for him than I do for Boggs. Babe Ruth is a Yankee.
How can you say that Babe Ruth is a Yankee (implying *just* a Yankee) when he pitched a 14-inning World Series win for the Red Sox in 1916 (game 2)...?
While I have met my share of hypocritical Yankee fans, I can't imagine that this is the case here. I'm sure you have a fair response/explanation as to your perspective on ex-Red Sox athletes who went on to have careers with The Yankees.
Stu - There wasn't much of a rivalry before the Babe joined the Yankees, that kind of started the whole thing. Babe was from a pre-rival Red Sox team. It doesn't count as a deaded Boston Red Sox team. Besides, everyone remebers the Babe as a Yankee first, then oh yeah, traded from the Red Sox. I did a Google image search on Babe Ruth - a bunch of Yankee Caps on his head. The Red Sox stint: inconsequential. Well, it is a highlight for Boston, but inconsequential elsewhere.
In the 1918 World Series, Babe Ruth went 2-0 as a pitcher, including 1 shutout, with a 1.06 ERA. Ruth extended his World Series consecutive scoreless inning streak to 29⅔ innings. All while a Red Stocking. How is this something that you would marginalize with a term such as "inconsequential"?
Wow, impressive!
Yes, impressive, but does it cause you to want to retract your issuance of the term "inconsequential"?
No. We Yankee fans have so many great stats over the years, it's easy to lose track of stats that great Yankees had on other ball clubs. You'll find that great players tend to gravitate towards the Yankees. Great players want World Series rings and you can't get them with some ball clubs. There are clubs that wait a century or so between World Series wins. I feel bad for them.
See, that's our common ground, right there! I fully agree, great players want World Series rings, and the Yankees are a solid bet, year-in, year-out. No question.
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