Normally I talk about grown-up music, as that's what we listen to at our house, now that my youngest is almost twelve. But a few weeks ago I was pointed to a kids CD (because of my work with GNMParents) and I thought it was awesome, so I want to recommend it to those who have little ones (and to folks who dig eco-friendly, cute, funny songs).
The music is by a duo called The SqueeGees, which is definitely the coolest band name for kids. The CD "The SqueeGees" is an EP, an extended single, essentially, so it's just a taste (7 songs), but what a great taste. Eco-conscious songs, liberating songs, sweet songs, mysterious songs, all arranged for vocals, acoustic guitar, and a shaker or two.
The melodies are incredibly catchy, and the deliberately spare arrangements make fertile ground for singing/humming/drumming along. Again, my youngest is almost a teenager, and my oldest is almost old enough to drive, yet this album is in heavy rotation in our home. Really, it's that infectious.
I compare "The SqueeGees" EP to some of the songs by They Might Be Giants. The SqueeGees have a similar respect for their audience, which is why I like that the songs cause kids to ask parents questions, like "What's a Chia Pet?" and "Why does the fire smoke?" and, my favorite, "How can I make noise with my nose?!?"
The album also works on an adult level. For example, the song "Apples, Oranges, and Peaches" is my dieting inspiring song. This CD makes me hungry for more than apples, oranges, and peaches, it makes me hungry for more songs from the SqueeGees!
And it's available on iTunes, which makes for instant SqueeGee gratification. Ok, it's probably karmicly cooler to buy from CD Baby, but I also think that the deep-dish discount from iTunes will make it an easier quick-pick for a lot of parents.
Hey, SqueeGees! Make more songs, or I'll be forced to release a tribute album with all your songs covered by solo nose!
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
Did you know that THey Might Be Giants actually has a kids CD out? Pretty cool!
I am a HUGE TMBG fan, so, yeah, I was familiar with their kid-oriented music, albums such as "No!" and "Here Come The ABCs." Brilliant stuff, just like the rest of their discography.
The SqueeGee's are a great kids band. I am a teacher and I play it in the classroom. They also made their way to Berkeley and some of my kids and I went. They put on a great show and the kids had a great time. And lastly, Samantha and ROman (The SqueeGee's are great people.) :)
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