I was a writer once. After many years as a tech support galley slave, I left my home and family and went to Los Angeles to write professionally. I had a few years of full-time writing (of sorts) and it was a wonderful time with no regrets. Then, one day, I had kids! Leslie and I decided that I should stay home and raise them, which I did. I am profoundly happy at this decision. The kids are amazing and my time with them is the best time I've ever had. Really, the experience has been healing. And I'm a better person as well (or at least I'd like to think so), having been forced to grow up (Booooo!)... Hey, it's cool. I still curse like a Met fan and play video games and listen to Pop music. But I also maintain a schedule and a surprising cleaning habit (that I still need to work on, as I am also crazy lazy)... Anyway, life is good. But life was good back in the early 00's as well. I was writing for Mattel, creating copy for packaging on a variety of toy lines. A magnificent experience, wonderfully transforming. I also wrote feature stories and a tech column for Valley Scene Magazine, who are still around, informing the fine folks of the San Fernando Valley about all the family fare in and around town. (Ah, I do love an alliteration) My time spent writing for money was a proud moment for me. So the stuff that is floating by from years past is me reliving certain glories, smiling to myself (and now others) that I could crank out 4,000 words in two days. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the articles and such. Meanwhile, get outside and breath. Maybe go for a walk. Do what you want. Dig.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
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