Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

2:52 PM

A Paper Balloon


A long time ago, in high school, someone showed me how to make a paper balloon. I hadn't made one in years, but today, something came over me, and I wanted to see if I still remembered.

I screwed up the first one, but recognized that something was wrong the moment I made the mistake. So I started again, this time chanting to myself "trust yourself" over and over. Sure enough, it worked.

I've been trying to think if there's an easier way to walk you through how this is constructed. It's semi-complicated, and it's the kind of thing that doesn't translate easily to words alone. But until I solve my iPhoto Library problem, I am not willing to jinx things by starting a new library on the new drive I bought. So I've not been taking photos, and this would be photo-intensive. I may try to just use words, but otherwise, you'll have to wait a bit.


cherylann said...

I never heard of a paper balloon. Now I am intrigued!

Anonymous said...

I'm also intrigued. Would this be considered origami? I'm in great anticipation of photographs now.
