Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

8:34 AM

The Formal Apology


To the folks who read this here blog, I do done say I'm sorry for not posting more regular-like.

I've been anointed "Editor-At-Large" over at GNMParents, so my head was over there, not here. :-\

First, head on over to GNMParents and make sure it looks ok, 'cause now that I have the keys, it could turn into a real mess, just as the mess in my office has achieved Olympic-level.

Second, my latest column appeared yesterday, so feel free to read it.

Third, would y'all be dolls and help spread the word about GNMParents, please. It's a fantastic site, it just needs more eyes on it.

Fourth, I've got stuff of my own to blog about, but that's for later. Nothing major, just more "blah blah blah" from me.

Fifth, it's Ethel Merman's birth anniversary today, so get out that worn copy of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and watch her pick on Milton Berle.


Suldog said...

"Mad, Mad," etc., is one of my all-time favorites. Sid Caesar and Nanette Fabray in the basement of the hardware store - priceless!

Congrats on the editorship! I'll put a link over at my place sometime today.

Stu said...

Mr. Fabulous,

Um, that's what an editor is. Now go write a sestina or a lento.

Stu said...


Thanks! I sincerely appreciate that.

And, yeah, priceless is a fine label indeed:

Ding Bell: So good luck and may the best man win!

Benjy Benjamin: Except you lady, may you just drop dead!

Lennie Pike: All right, we all agree on that.

Anonymous said...

Weirdly, I just found a very cool Warhol-esque print of Ethel Merman at a thrift store, but didn't get it because I was low on cash. I wish I'd known her birthday was coming.

Congrats on the editorship!

Jim said...

Let me toss my congrats into the hat. Well deserved. Your latest post is another example.
