Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

The CERN Large Hadron Collider is now officially online - a step in scientific knowledge equal to landing on the Moon. It's not just about the destination, it's about the journey and what we learn along the way. Imagine, they'll be able to open a window into the past and be able to take a nice long look at what our Universe was like during its first millionth of a second. We live in remarkable times.

As you may know, of the many experiments planned for the Collider is an attempt to discover the BEH Mechanism, otherwise known as Higgs boson, the last element of particle physics theory yet to be scientifically observed. If the Collider shows evidence of Higgs boson, this will lead us to a better understanding of mass, and therefore, of the Universe. And as the Collider is acting as a "better camera" with which to view the Universe, there's a decent chance that we'll make entirely new observations, altering, forever, the science of particle physics. Of course, let's not kid ourselves, the scientists will also be using the Collider to make popcorn, which is fine, because scientists are good at sharing.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you have got to watch the LHC Rap that's out there on youtube made by those same wacky popcorn popping scientists.

Gives you a crash course on what that wacky collider is gonna do.

I love science! :)
