Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

5:33 AM

Gadget Heaven


Heaven... I'm in Heaven...
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak...

Sorry, it's just that I've had my iPhone for a few days now and it's becoming more and more useful. Sure, it's a phone. And sure, it syncs up with my Mac, so it has my current contacts in it. And sure, it syncs to my calendar, so if I'm away from my desk, I still don't miss any appointments.

Lots of phones can do that.

But yesterday, I was driving, listening to the radio, and a song came on that I recognized from my youth, from my teen-age years. Except it was just a haunting memory, with no real information: I couldn't remember the name of the band. And I'm a music guy, and that kind of stuff is important to me.

iPhone to the rescue.

I pulled out my iPhone, tapped the button to launch the newly installed Shazam application, and held it up to the speakers. After about 10 seconds, the phone vibrated, letting me know it had found the song for me (turned out the band was Haircut 100, who had a minor career in the early 80s). No fuss, no muss, no need to memorize lyrics until I could use Google, just turn on Shazam and let it do its thing. It even gave me links to download the song to my iPhone from the iTunes store. Oh, and did I mention that I installed the application on my iPhone with two clicks, and that it was free?

Heaven... I'm in Heaven...
and my heart beats so that I can hardly


Anonymous said...

oh my god! So cool. :)

See, knew you'd love the iPhone. Now tweet from comic-con for me. I want to feel like I got to go. :)

Oh, and do you follow Jessica Stover (MM had listed her in his links to writers on his blog...). She's got a booth going, all last minute style.

I soooo wish I were Comic-con bound this year.

Anonymous said...

oh, yes, almost forgot the magic word...

please .:)

Anonymous said...

oh my - that is unbelievable! technology is amazing! have you heard of cha cha? and i thought that was da bomb...

Anonymous said...

......heaven I'm in heaven.....
is called CHEEK TO CHEEK
you and your iphone.
enjoy enjoy

Dangermouse0 said...

And you were hesitant about getting it...
