My blogging amigo and doppelgänger, Mr. Fabulous, is hosting a poll on Nutella. If you've the time, take a moment and vote, would you please?!?
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
awww Stu, I voted for "it's alright, just not my thing". I certainly don't think it tastes like toejam (just typing that makes me want to vomit). But it does sorta look like baby poo. You eat it on donuts? I only ever ate it on toast. I'm much more of a jelly girl on toast.
I though a/your/ones doppelgänger is ones enemy? Can i get a definition please, I can't seem to find one; an official definition that would settle this pressing matter.
Cherylann, you're funny!! :-)
Stu eats baby poo on donuts. hehe
American Heritage says, "A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart."
Wikipedia says: doppelgänger
Mr. Fabulous,
A) My mother reads my blog.
B) Yes.
Jelly on toast is the best.
I like Nutella rolled up on white bread (like a jelly roll)... Or on sugar cookies or on banana slices or on nilla wafers.
Stu, found my way to your through Fab's! This is my first stop here ever but I'm staying 'cause anyone who's a fan of Nutella, HAS to be awesome!
BTW, I don't know about Nutella on donuts but it is amazing with pretzels!!
Oh yeah. Chocolate covered pretzels are fantastic!
Go out and buy Snyder's Butter Snaps and spread Nutella on them. Heaven!
I bought a jar of Trader Joe's Nutella equivalent once and spent almost every morning after eating a peanut butter and nutella sandwich for breakfast. I imagine if not for my bicycle commute most days that I would've bloated right up from that diet.
Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwiches are magnificent, if a little too sweet to eat constantly. Yes, I like the stuff.
James and Sully,
Add the banana. You won't be sorry.
I love Nutella!I can't keep it in the house, though. It disappears - my husband eats it all. Even if I write on the top, "This is ONLY for Barb. Dave, keep your hands off. You have your own jar." Not that I eat it that often, but I like to know it's there when I want some. :)
And the Pointless Drivel site is FU-NNY! Not something I can read to my kids, though, and as they're always around and always want to know what "this" or "that" on the computer says... well, can't spend much time there. Maybe that's a good thing. ;)
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