Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

2:07 AM

What Time Is It?


Oy vey, I just woke from a very creepy bad dream. I was running through a dirt-filled stockyard/railyard, with other people (maybe I was a child in the dream, running with other children)... The soil got sandier, and then the worms appeared. Large, dry, eel-sized worms. They were *everywhere*...

The worst part was that my cat, Billie, was there, running with me.


Ok, thanks, I feel better in talking about it. Eventually I'll head back to bed, but for now I've got Boz Scaggs and wireless internet to keep me company.


Suldog said...

Is there some psychological connection to attonement in there, Stu? Just wondering. We Catholics share so much of the same type of guilt complexes with you :-)

Stu said...

That's a good question. I don't know what I have to feel guilty about, especially related to worms. But maybe...
