When I give my son medicine in pill form, he performs an unusual ritual. I hand him a cup of water and the pill(s). Instead of popping the pills and then drinking the water, he sips the water first, then the pills, then the rest of the water. I'd never seen that before.
Is this how you do it? Do you have any special methods for taking medicine?
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
I do exactly that - wow we are kindred spirits - I gag on pills - so this method works for me.
I place the pills between my incisors, raise the cup of water before me, and pop the pills onto my tongue a split second before washing them down.
I can swallow pills without water, a "skill" I acquired over years of abusing my body with substances better left outside of it. However, I normally just toss a pill in my mouth, swallow, and immediately chase with water.
depends on the pill. advil (how i love thee!) i typically dry swallow.
vitamins, calcium and other non-coated pills, i drink water first then take the pill then drink more water. it helps it go down instead of getting stuck in the center of your chest and burning all day.
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