Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

My brother, Dave Mark, runs a publishing house out of his house. His latest release, The Xbox 360 Uncloaked: The Real Story Behind Microsoft's Next-Generation Video Game Console by Dean Takahashi, earned the respect of the Washington Times' Mark Kellner. Here's the first few 'graphs:

If what I'm seeing is any indication, we're on the verge of some remarkable changes in the world of book publishing. And, it's all coming from people who have access to computers, basic software programs and the Internet.

While many in the industry are awaiting the arrival of BookExpo America at the Washington Convention Center on May 19, some of the real excitement in publishing was on display yesterday.

SpiderWorks LLC, a Virginia-based firm, released "The Xbox 360 Uncloaked," a look behind the scenes of the creation and launch of the Microsoft gaming computer, which broke as many hearts as it warmed last Christmas due to short supply.

And the rest of the story can be found at

We are so proud of him, this is wicked awesome!


Anonymous said...

Go Dave !!!!!


Suldog said...

Isn't it swell when someone you're close to does something that you're proud of and that the world gets to see? Way cool!
