Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

Scott Crossfield, Famed Aviator, Dead at 84

Here's a great interview with Mr. Crossfield, where he talks about the race to the Moon. I have a passion for our grasp of the Moon and a great admiration for every person who made it possible.


Mark Rosera said...

The moon is an artificial creation by a higher alien inteligence. The moon is hollow from the mantle down. The Moon was so placed by the aliens as to create a perfect optical eclips of the sun every so often. Furtermore, one side remains in shadow. Very suspicious behavior for a celestial being. Issac Asimov stated how unlikely these characteristics would appear naturally.

Stu said...


Wow! I am a nut for the Space program, especially the Apollo missions. What did your dad work on specifically?

My wife's old man was a lead test engineer for the Saturn rockets. I have such respect for him, and for all those men and women. It was an amazing time in human history.

Anonymous said...

mark: you forgot the green cheese ... a well kept NASA secret is that Neil brough back 5 lbs of green cheese :)

stu: i too am a nut for the space program. i distinctly remember when the first 7 mercury astronauts were named, and also the day that alan shepherd went up. sorry to use a cliche, but those 7 astronauts, and crossfield too, certainly had "the right stuff".

a friend of mine (who has since passed away) was a member of the mercury program (ground crew, not an astronaut). he had wonderful memorbilia and amazing stories of those early days in the space program.

Stu said...


Wow. Thanks for sharing. I never met the guy, but your father has my undying respect. I'm especially in awe of his work on the shuttle arm. Fantastic! Also, I really appreciate your sense of him, your connection to him. I can only imagine how you must miss him. Thanks for opening up like that, it was beautiful. I'd love to read blog entries about you and your dad.
