Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

8:25 AM

Billie's Beau


Billie (on the right) has a boyfriend. His name is Monty and he lives a few houses west of us.

He's well-intentioned and fairly polite, but he's also a Siamese, and is therefore very stubborn. He doesn't fully understand that there is a time and place to come calling. Also, he doesn't understand that we pee on the lawn, not inside the house (or Leslie's Art studio). I love Billie, so I don't chase Monty off the property, but I have tried to reason with him. It is early in their relationship, so I'm cool for now. And Billie seems to enjoy him, most of the time. Isn't that normal?


Suldog said...

Siamese cats are so different from most cats. They talk much more on average, are tremendously inquisitive. He's a good looking one. Billie is quite pretty, too, of course.

Anonymous said...

"but I have tried to reason with him" ...

I have found that one cannot reason with cats ... they are way too independent of us humans. But cats are very cool animals. I wish my daughter was not so alergic to cats ... I would have several if I could.

