I think that life blesses you with moments to savor. One has just happened to me and I want to share it with all of you. Jim has a blog that he calls Suldog-O-Rama. It is marvelously relaxed and fun, like a funny next-door neighbor. Today's entry concerns his feelings on Magazine Man, who is, by far, The Best Writer On The Internet. Also, Jim's post is about humor, which is a subject dear to my heart. His perspective on the best kind of funny is very much like mine. No spoilers, but understand that I'll be happy to discuss this in the comments once you've digested his big think. Please, for the love of your own soul, take three minutes and read his blog.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
Thank you for the very kind words, Stu.
It's guys like you and Jim that keep me blogging, that brought me back sooner than I thought I would. I'm pleased and proud to count you guys among my friends.
I know, I know, I was supposed to make some humble remark about not being worthy of the title BWOTI. For some odd reason, I have this reputation online of being a wellspring of humility, which is just SO far from the truth. So instead, I'll just accept the compliment and slink out the back door with a big smile on my face...
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