Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

6:54 AM



I've painted again. It comes in waves. I try not to force it, but if I don't nudge it a little, I won't paint at all. I am intimidated by the artists who have come before me.

I have been focusing on Still, Rothko, and Motherwell. I also stole Leslie's idea of a pallette knife. What a revelation!

It is hard for me to stand up for my Art, to say, out loud, that I am worthy of examination. I never went to Art school, I never took an Art class, I never studied painting techniques or had a tutor. It has been self-discovery and trial-and-error. My voice is becoming clearer, my courage more unmasked.

If you are reading this, please perform Art. Paint, sing, dance, act, sculpt, write, anything. Don't lose sight of why you exist.

