I've painted again. It comes in waves. I try not to force it, but if I don't nudge it a little, I won't paint at all. I am intimidated by the artists who have come before me.
I have been focusing on Still, Rothko, and Motherwell. I also stole Leslie's idea of a pallette knife. What a revelation!
It is hard for me to stand up for my Art, to say, out loud, that I am worthy of examination. I never went to Art school, I never took an Art class, I never studied painting techniques or had a tutor. It has been self-discovery and trial-and-error. My voice is becoming clearer, my courage more unmasked.
If you are reading this, please perform Art. Paint, sing, dance, act, sculpt, write, anything. Don't lose sight of why you exist.
The Gift
[Christmas, 1965 or thereabout]
The boy was very young; perhaps 7 or 8 years old. He loved everything about
Christmas - the lights, the music, Santa ...
1 year ago
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