Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

Noelle, in the name of Science, has taken a caterpillar and fed and watered it, in hopes that it will turn into a butterfly under her watch. This pic is the latest step, where she created a place for the caterpillar to cacoon. We shall see what happens, but regardless, I think it is amazing, especially as this is entirely Noelle's idea.


Mom of All Seasons said...

I think Noelle's caterpillar experiment is pretty great too - most especially because it was her idea alone. How exciting to watch nature unfold in your home!

Anonymous said...

This could be a great opportunity to get some photos of a butterfly emerging from its cocoon :)


Liz said...

I'm sorta new here so I don't know how old your daughter is, that being said, I think it's an awesome experiment for someone of any age. Seriously, who wouldn't want to see a caterpiller turn into a butterfly?
