Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

yes, the subject is an adjustment to a King Crimson lyric, sung/spoke by Adrian Belew. And Leslie is a big fan of King Crimson, especially the Fripp/Belew/Bruford/Levin lineup. And Leslie got me started on this post (in which I once again proclaim my love for my wife), as I'm sitting in the library listening to Wingspan by Paul McCartney, luxuriating in the warm waters of my new stereo. I love Leslie, and not for buying this for me, but for fighting me when I didn't want it, that I felt shame over having so much money spent on me. Which leads me to my thoughts on shame. I am, through Leslie's efforts, making great strides in my reducing the amount of shame I choose to carry with me. I work hard at my job, and if there was a serious societal viewpoint that truly saw the value of putting emotionally stable children out into the world, well, I'd be making bank. However, it is high time that I became comfortable with the fact that I don't bring money into the house. I have been a major contributor to my children's happiness and their brains becoming strong muscles. I have made my wife happier than she's ever been in her life. Wall street may not be bullish on these kinds of futures, but I am. You watch for my kids, they'll be leading the parade toward world peace.


Porcupinetaxi said...

You should be happy. You have more money in your pocket since Bush has given you a tax break. Also, if you like King Crimson, you should give Benny Cantini a listen. He is like a softer, more bar room version.
