Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

7:28 AM

iPod Covers


First off, When The Revolution Comes! (When The Revolution Comes!) When The Revolution Comes... iPods For Everyone!!!

Second, the polycarbonate case from Agent18 looked pretty bulletproof, which is good for me, as I am frequently a guilty bystander to gravity's evil pull on my iPod. I wear it in my chest pocket of my Aloha shirts and when I bend over to pick up something that I've dropped, Whee! It slides out and passionately kisses the concrete. Obviously I am not a big fan of paying attention, but I shouldn't take it standing still, I should get me one of them.

What I do have is a corduroy sleeve, which acts like a blanket for my iPod, which would be nice if my iPod were, oh, I don't know... Alive! Heh heh. Actually, it does keep it from getting scratched, but it isn't much help in
the moronic way I let it fall to the floor. Here is a url that shows what
mine looks like. it isn¹t the same product (I forget who made mine) and mine is brown. Anyway, I love it, as I irrationally believe that all objects have souls.

In the mail in the next day or so will come a skin for me, solid color (green), which I got mostly out of boredom and somewhat out of scientific/geeky curiosity. The skin is provided by Decal Girl and I am looking forward to it.

Also, I bought Nich a CEO Classic from MarWare which he really loves. It also provides me with some comfort, as he skates with his iPod and when he falls, in addition to being afraid he'll break his wrist, I¹m afraid he'll smash his iPod, as he loves it so.

