Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

It's 10:41pm PST, and I'm watching an episode of Studio 60 (from last year, still on my TiVo box). During the commercials, I'm writing this entry.

Life is great, it really is.

Noelle, based upon her essay found here, was asked to write an essay that will appear on GNMP. I'm pretty psyched about that. We even chatted tonight about what she's going to write about, and, for a moment, she wasn't my daughter, she was just another writer, one of many writers that I work with throughout the day. Except, oh yeah, she's 11.

Nich played soccer today, 3 to 1 was the score. Of the 3, Nich assisted with two and scored one himself. He also called me the other day, just to say Thanks for helping him out with something. He's amazing to me as well.

Leslie is becoming funnier, smarter, and far more confident than I've ever seen. I married her almost five years ago, and she was pretty amazing back then.

She's also busy as all get-out. So that's kinda tough. But it's worth it in the end, or at least, that's what we say when we need to rationalize it.

Me, I'm about 172 pounds, well shy of the urgent-care-clinic 185 that I was carrying around a few months ago. Was that funny? I wonder. Probably not as funny as it could have been.

Regardless, things are good. Even "Studio 60" got good. Or at least this episode was good (The Wrap Party). And it was really good. It was another bit of fantastic writing from Aaron Sorkin, just like another great song from Rogers & Hart. Let's hope Sorkin can keep it going. He could turn into the Miles Davis of screen-writing.

Thanks again to you, Constant Reader, for, um, constantly reading.

Ok, so that wasn't a great closer. But it's better than the truth, which is that I'm going to stop writing in another paragraph, post this blog entry, and watch the last half of Oliver Stone's "Nixon" while I fall asleep.

I thank you again for reading. You're both wonderful people.

Photo (of Aaron Sorkin) taken by Ondra Soukup, used under Creative Commons license


Suldog said...

Life does have its good days, eh?

And thank you. I am thrilled to be wonderful.

Jim said...

I think more people read you than you think. Especially your columns.

Keep em coming.

