Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

4:30 PM

Not Blogging


I don't really know who all reads this here blog, but I have not been posting often enough. And for you, Constant Reader, this I regret.

Things around the Mark Mansion (did you not know my last name was Mark?) have been a mix of crazy, ultra-mega-hella-busy, and gentle, easy-going, barely crazy.

The kids are off with their dad, I'm home with Leslie where we are spending time wrapping extra presents for the kids that we forgot about, playing video games, listening to music, and generally being in love.

I hope this entry finds you, Constant Reader, in the very best of health and happiness.

Please, if you're up for it, use the comments to ask me questions, about anything at all. Or, if you're afraid to comment, send me private mail to Stu Mark.

Oh, and seeing as how today is December 25th, War Is Over.

...and Happy Anniversary to my folks, who may read this when they come back from their cruise...


Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a good holiday season and have a happy new years.

Suldog said...

I have a few questions...

Is it hotter in the summer or in the city?

Should we expect the end of the world anytime soon? I ask because I'm thinking of having my shoes re-soled and if we only have a few more days to go, I'll live with the holes.

Finally, how can you tell when bleu cheese has gone bad? Does it clear up?

Thanks for your help, Stu. If the world is NOT ending soon, I'll return the favor.

Stu said...

Thanks James!! I wish you and yours a beatific season and a life filled with wonder and surprise.

Stu said...


A) City

B) Yes, we should expect it to end tomorrow, and if it doesn't, at least we spent today doing what we wanted. As for the shoes, why do I feel like that is from Side Effects or Without Feathers?

C) When you see any other color (like green), it's gone bad.

Suldog said...

A) Thank you.

B) I haven't read Side Effects, but I did read Without Feathers back when I was a teenager. May be it IS from there. As with most of my jokes, I probably unconsciously stole it from something I mentally digested many years ago.

C) Thank you, again.
