Stu News and Photos

My name is Stu and I am here to share what I can.

I was talking with my family last night, or should I say, I was talking at them, about the superball commercial. No, not this one, this one, the one for the Sony Bravia. This started me on a bit about entertainment now vs. when I was a kid.

Now, there's lots of tv and video games and the 'net. When I was a kid, we had none of these things. Our fun was outside. And one of the best ways to have fun was when you or your friend had a SuperBall. You could kill a good hour or two with a superball, especially if you lived near a school or other big building with a large parking lot. And if your friend accidentally took a superball to the eye, well hey, now we've got some real theater going. Is he bleeding? Do we need to call his mom? Heck, that was way better than any current reality show, because we were in it. We were part of the show, and it was uncut and unrehearsed.


cherylann said...

Happy Channukah (I don't know if I spelled that right... but at least I tried)!

Stu said...


Thanks! Yeah, it's confusing. There are seven or eight ways that I have seen. You spelled it one of the cool ways. I have used your way, as well as Hanukkah, Chanukkah, even Chappy Chanukkah!

Suldog said...

Superballs were THE BALLS! I once hit one with a baseball bat. It went - possibly literally - a mile. Great fun.
